E-Compliance Summary-Egypt

Key Mandates, Country Technicality & Terms

Key Mandates

November 15, 2020

ETA Invoicing

The e-invoicing mandate (ETA) came into effect on November 15, 2020 for all B2B and B2G transactions.

November 15, 2020
July 1, 2022


The e-Receipt mandate came into effect on July 1, 2022 for all B2C transactions.

July 1, 2022

Country Technicality & Terms


Invoice: B2B & B2G Transactions clearance model
E-Receipt:.B2C Transactions


Invoices & e-Receipt: ETA Invoicing Portal


Invoice: XML / JSON
E-Receipt: JSON

Signature & Submission Method

The signature(Digital Certificate in HSM) is required for all transactions. ETA assigns a unique identification number for each invoice after the document has been successfully validated.


5 years of archiving is mandatory.

Key Notes

-Rounding tolerance is max +/-0.01
-Each product that is subject to the invoice line must have a GS1 code.
-E-Receipt must have a QR code on the e-invoice.

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