E-Compliance Summary-Italy

Key Mandates, Country Technicality & Terms

Key Mandates

July 1, 2019


The e-invoicing mandate (FatturaPA) came into effect on July 1, 2019, for all B2B and B2C transactions, making Italy the first country in the EU to mandate e-invoicing for both types of transactions.

July 1, 2019
February 1, 2020


E-ordering was implemented in the public healthcare sector, requiring electronic orders to be sent and received via the Peppol Network or NSO system

February 1, 2020
July 1, 2022


All cross-border transactions are required to be submitted to the SDI system in the FatturaPA invoicing format. Click here to modify this description.

July 1, 2022

Country Technicality & Terms


B2B & B2G & Estremetro (Cross-Border) Transactions.


Invoices: SDI
Orders: NSO
Authority:AGID: Agenzia delle Entrate


Invoice:FatturaPa Orders: Peppol BIS

Signature & Submission Method

The signature(USB) is required only for B2G transactions. Submission methods are via SDI Coop services or via PEC mail address.


Archiving is mandatory for 10 years based on the Conservazione Sostitutiva rules. XML documents can also be archived abroad based on the conditions highlighted in the regulation.

Codice Destinatario

Destination code that is obtained from the SDI after completing the live registration. A unique code enables invoice transactions between SDI and the receiver.


Name of the electronic invoicing system

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