E-Compliance Summary-Türkiye
Key Mandates, Country Technicality & Terms
The e-invoicing mandated (e-Fatura-based on the taxpayer-required revenue limit) for all B2B, B2C, and B2G transactions.
The e-Defter(e-Ledger) mandate is to create the required XML file with the accounting records and submit it to the authority monthly(three-month grace period).
The e-Archiving (e-invoice type that is called for B2C transactions) is mandated for the taxpayers that are not registered in the e-Invoice taxpayer list and submitted only to the authority via the required XML report.
The e-delivery mandated (based on the taxpayer-required revenue limit) for the transactions involving goods movement. Taxpayers must create the required XML file and submit it to the authorities to start the goods transportation process.
E-Müstahsil Makbuzu
The e-producer receipt is issued and mandated for the farmers or merchants that buy goods from non-taxpayer (not required to submit e-ledger) farmers to acknowledge authorities as an XML report for the related trade.